Tham khảo OK

  1. American Heritage Dictionary (good summary of the results of Read's six articles)
  2. Read, Allen W. (1963) The first stage in the history of "O.K.". American Speech, 38 (1), 5–27.
  3. Read, Allen W. (1963). The second stage in the history of "O.K.". American Speech, 38 (2), 83–102.
  4. Read, Allen W. (1963). Could Andrew Jackson spell?. American Speech, 38 (3), 188–195.
  5. Read, Allen W. (1964). The folklore of "O.K.". American Speech, 39 (1), 5–25.
  6. Read, Allen W. (1964). Later stages in the history of "O.K.". American Speech, 39 (2), 83–101.
  7. Read, Allen W. (1964). Successive revisions in the explanation of "O.K.". American Speech, 39 (4), 243–267.
  8. Fay, Dalby, Holloway
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